Building an effective roadmap for your company to conquer Latin America

Introducing new products and services to a new country or region is a challenge for any company that wants to expand its target market. From the culture to the logistics management that this entails, it can be a double-edged sword if we do not know what we are facing.

Latin America is a region in constant expansion and growth, however each country that makes it up is a totally different world, that is why it is so important to study your market and contact expert consultants in the pros and cons of each one so that your arrival is coordinated, efficient and accomplishes the objectives of the company.

At Pulse we help you make your arrival a success. How do we do it?

1. We study each country differently

Understanding market size is critical to marketing planning. Uncover your blind spots and prepare you to compete with other businesses in Latin America. We work constantly in a detailed database which contains accurate information about the most important industries in the region to help you understand the needs of each one of it.

2. We analyze your company and its strengths, flaws and threats
Your pricing will help determine how to position your company in the market, and your forecast will show what portion of the market you hope to get. Also, a detailed benchmarking will show us what are your competitors doing and how to differentiate from them.
Who are your actual customers? We’ll detail how many of them are there, what their needs are, and describe their demographics. Communication is the key to success when we want to position our brand in our consumers mind and heart, that’s why we need to focus on creating a good and tailor-made strategy for the company.

3. Create a tailor-made roadmap for your landing

A “must” communication tool. It can help you spot cloudiness — from missed tasks to downstream impact to other teams that you might not have considered. You can use it to provide clarity to the cross-functional teams on shared responsibilities and important milestones.

The roadmap helps keep everyone on track and holds them accountable to their contributions to the launch. When a team is working in sync and meeting all of their deadlines, a campaign should flow easily from one task to the next.

4. Once approved, we prepare the teams

A work team aligned to the tasks and objectives will certainly make the project a success. Synchronization, punctuality and proactivity are virtues that each collaborator must add so that there are no setbacks in the arrival of your brand in Latin America. We advise your team, using technological tools that will support time and resources for efficient and coordinated work.

However, our work does not stop there. The roadmap contemplates more than just an arrival strategy, but also the action plan to position your product or service. We can help you connect with your audience through digital strategies and create solid relationships, to achieve your first conversions with our trained and highly qualified sales support team, which is adapted to latin communication.

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